Student Body

Student Body exists to promote communication between the university and students

Undergraduate Student Council (USC)

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The Student Council is responsible for defending and representing the interests of UNIST students. The Student Council not only organizes festivals and other cultural events that can be enjoyed by students, but also strives to improve campus life based on the diverse voices of students. The student council is elected every year, and in 2019, UNIST’s 9th Undergraduate Student Council, ‘Fruits’, represents students. As such, Fruits speaks for many students in the context of student self-governance and improves student welfare and quality of campus life.

Student Clubs Association (SCA)

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The association supports active club activities and culture-welfare. Various events are hosted by the association together with Arts and physical education clubs, academic clubs, and culture clubs. It also selects key clubs, and provides support for regular clubs and interim registered clubs.

Council (SDC)

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The student council acts for the welfare and convenience of dormitory students, representing their interests and demands.

UNIST International Student Organization (UISO)

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UISO is a student government body working for the UNIST international student welfare and assists UNIST in communicating communicate with students from diverse cultures and backgrounds. UISO seeks to ensure a diverse global campus, facilitate cross cultural awareness and encourage community welfare.

UNIST Broadcasting Station

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UNISTATION is a student-run ration station that broadcasts daily at noon on weekdays. Additionally, it creates video recordings of various events and activities within the UNIST community. Don’t miss out on exciting events and initiatives!