Be the beacon that shines the world with science and technology.
With this purpose in mind, UNIST will continuously inspire and motivate future scientists and technology leaders.
We believe that change of the world is brought forth by challenge and innovation.
UNIST is the global leader that goes forth into the unknown future step by step, growing and advancing each step.

The “Leading Star” represents a shining forerunner in science and technology that serves mankind and pioneers the future.
The square frame represents our aim to become a world-class university and the most trusted educational institute.
UI Logo Basics
The UNIST Slogan “First in Change” holds the central role in establishing and anchoring the new UNIST Identity. It is an integral part of all UNIST signatures and invites audiences to envision UNIST as a place that first in change. The slogan encapsulates the positioning strategy and keeps communication on message.
The solid and stable geometry of the wordmark symbolizes the professionalism of UNIST in the field of science and society.
The square frame represents our aim to become a world-class university and the most trusted educational institute.
UNIST embodies intelligence and the pure inquiring mind through the unicorn, which is the symbol of strength and purity. The gleaming horn and shining star of the mascot indicates the goal of UNIST to become the forerunner foothold institute of science and technology.
UNIST Signatures
Basic Signature
(Emblem with Slogan Type)Full Signature
(Emblem with UI Logo Type) -
Promotional Signature
(Wordmark with UI Logo Type)
Color is an emotional expression of identity and the primary color UNIST Navy combined with a light green colored UNIST Emerald creates a powerful ambassador of the UNIST Identity. Keep the following guidelines in mind when reproducing a color image in newspapers or magazines, using standard four-color process printing.
Name Card Template
Presentation Template (A, B, C)